2018 Christmas Greetings


2018 Christmas Greetings from KAM Center

May your days be filled

with Love, joy, peace, and hope on this

Christmas season.

Thank you for your partnership with

KAM Center ministry!!

사랑과 기쁨, 화평과 소망이 충만한 성탄 축하드리며,

한국입양인선교센터 사역에 동역 감사드립니다.

Donate Today - Click button

이런 슬픈 현실에서 일반인들의 자살율보다 4-5배나 높은 자살율에 시달리고 있는 입양인들의 아픔을 아시고 계신지요?

이들을 위해서 엘리야 선지자에게 보여주신 바알에게 무룹을 꿇지않고, 마추지않은 7.000 남겨두신(열왕기상 19:18) 것처럼 해외 20 입양인들을 위해서 LORD’S RESERVED 7,000 동역자들 필요합니다.

7,000 명의 동역자 되어 주시지 안으시겠습니까? 원하시면 DONATION 버튼 클릭하시거나 www.kamcenter.org 들어가셔서 DONATION 클릭하시면 되십니다.

Under such trend, how can we support Korean adoptees who have been suffered from 4-5 times higher suicide rate than the rate of the mainstream?

KAM Center has been working on exploring ways to reduce its rate or prevention suicide.

To carry this task plus to provide a supportive and friendly community adoptees like Jay who will be released on parole in 3 months after 20 years in the Minnesota Correction Facility (prison)..

We need the Lord's Reserved 7,000 (1 Kings 19:18) for 200,000 Korean adoptees.

Your partnership would save many adoptees lives from suicide and make strong, friendly as well as supportive Korean adoptees community.

Would you become one of the 7,000 reserved?

If YES, then all you need to do is to click the DONATION button or visit www.kamcenter.org and click "DONATION" button above.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Shalom in Christ
God loves you and so do I
Rev. Sung Chul Park
Executive Director