Korean Adoptees Ministry Center’s Statement on the Tragedy in Atlanta, GA

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. (Gal. 3:28)

Please share this statement  with your friends and network so all of us stand up together to speak out and pray for our Asian American community and the Nation. In this way, we can transform this country as OUR founding fathers' country: EQUALITY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

Pastor Park

Korean Adoptees Ministry Center (KAM Center) stands in
solidarity with Asian-Americans and stands against anti-Asian hate.

A 21-year-old gunman killed eight people at three different spas in metro Atlanta last Tuesday evening (3/16/21).  Six out of eight victims were Asian, and four out of six were of Korean descent. KAM Center grieves the loss of the eight victims. We also condemn the gunman, and the estimated 3,800 anti-Asian hate crimes reported by the FBI, and the calling of COVID-19 the “China Virus”. These horrific shootings are just one of the many examples of anti-Asian hate crimes in U.S. history for the last two centuries. The COVID–19 pandemic has poured gasoline on anti-Asian xenophobia.

The foundation of this country is “EQUALITY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL”, and “EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER LAW“ For all” means not just one group of people. It means, everyone, including Asian, Black, Caucasian, Indigenous, Mixed Race, and all People of Color. God created all of us in God's image. Saint Paul said, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. (Gal. 3:28)

KAM Center encourages all to join in SOLIDARITY to stop anti-Asian hate crimes and racism.  At the same time, we should work together to transform this country into one that truly has EQUALITY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, because we are all one in Christ Jesus.

Now is the time to stand up together to speak out and pray for our Asian American community and the Nation.

We hope all of you will join us in our prayers for:

  1. God’s peace and mercy to be with the victims, families and all those who suffer from the recent crimes.
  2. God’s justice to be revealed in this society to stop hate and violence.
  3. God’s healing to be with all of us and in this nation, so we will be able to embrace each other with respect and equality.
  4. God’s education for our children to respect different cultures and people at school, home as well as in community. In this way, we can expect that 30 years later, when our children become leaders of this country, they can build a society of